Saturday, October 31, 2009

Bumblebees all around

What a day! We have had such a great couple of weeks and the girls are on the verge of taking off running {I'm pretty sure that walking will be skipped over}. They're both standing independently and are so full of personality. Aurora has become such an affectionate little girl. She gives kisses and even likes to bat her eyelashes against your cheek. She'll flash you that toothy grin and you can't help but smile. Bettye Katheryne wants to be with you doing whatever you're doing. She helps me {un}fold clothes, {un}pick up toys and {un}straighten the den. She gets very upset if she thinks that I'm leaving the room or house and she doesn't get to go. She melts down in tears if Daddy does not pick her up immediately when he comes home and she loves to play with the buttons on his shirt. Both girls talk but we're not quite sure what they're saying most of the time. We can understand "momma" "dada" "bah bah" and "brother" but the rest of it is animated garble. However, they do seem to understand {and find great humor} what the other is saying. They get cuter every day. I swear!

OK, there's a ton of photos on this post...enjoy!
Aurora has engineered a way to see the TV.
We were watching "Are You Smarter than a Fifth Grader."
Clearly, she is.

Bettye Katheryne loves Daddy's shirts with buttons

The girls and I went to the local corn maze last weekend.

Aurora just wanted to know what was for lunch.

Bettye Katheryne just wanted to eat grass.

Aurora's signature "camera hog" pose

Aurora watching TV. She laid out like this for 20 minutes, watching Praise Baby and swinging her feet like a teenager. I am in sooooo much trouble when she grows up!

Bettye Katheryne sat and watched TV too!

Playing in our PJs

Mom, look what I built....or, found!

Standing up big girl style! Just to give a frame of reference on their size...Bettye Katheryne {right} is wearing size 9 month clothing and filling it out nicely. Aurora {left} is wearing 6 month sized clothing and can't keep her pants on!

BK says "it's easy being cheesy!"

We love Praise Baby!

Bettye Katheryne helping me {un}clean up

Aurora loves it when the baby in the window comes to play at night {I know that sounds a little creepy...I almost didn't type it}.

A lot of their weight difference is due to their height difference.

Aurora's signature pose again!

Daddy and Tristan at the Fall Festival at Olive

Tristan got a balloon shark

I'm not sure who is more frightened...these animals...

...OR Auroa.

T-man took on the inflatable obstacle course and finished!

Tristan and Aunt Jessica

Two little Bumblebees

Aurora was loving her Big Daddy

Daddy and Bettye Katheryne

All the bumblebees and the parents

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

10 Months

Girls, you are getting so big so quickly! Mommy cannot believe how much you have grown in the past few weeks. You've had a cold for what seems like months, but really just a few days. You are both standing un-assisted and trying to take those first steps. I know it won't be long. Here's what you've been up in the last couple of weeks....

Bettye Katheryne thinks being in the laundry basket is so much fun!

And so is "styling" Grandmother's hair.

Grandmother and the girls

Aurora decided to join her sister in the basket...I hope they enjoy folding clothes to get them out of the basket when they're older!

"Listen here sister, this is how it's gonna be!"
{So, I just realized that Aurora is chewing the door hinge...nice.}
Not sure what was so funny, but I LOVE this photo!

Bettye Katheryne got to drive the car.
Brother Tristan flipping at the "jumpy place" in the mall.
It was his reward for being so good all day!
At the mall with the new stroller. Please excuse Tristan's need to stick
out his tongue in every photo now. I had no idea he was doing this.

Tristan instituted a PJ day!
Aurora discovered the car and it was all over for BK.
Cutie pies in the morning.

At the doctor's office. One of the only photos of me with the girls.

Reading with Grandmother...touch the velvety horse's nose!

Aurora is a master climber...seriously, she can get over anything!

Cute Aurora girl!
Baby Bettye Katheryne!

Bettye Katheryne fell asleep eating in her high chair.
Maybe this is why she doesn't want to sit in it anymore.

We went to visit the St. Amant's. Adam has an awesome Disney room.
This photo looks like Goofy is stepping on BK...haha!
Adam figuring out how to take a photo of his visitors {who took over his room, which he was very sweet about and he even cleaned up all of his toys impressive!}

Melanie and Aurora
Adam on his top bunk...this photo was by request...from Adam!
All of the babies...Ryan {aka, little Melanie}, Bettye Katheryne and Aurora.

Tristan is such a popular big brother!

Aurora in her pumpkin suit.

So it's been quite a few weeks here and the girls are growing by the day. I can't believe that it's only 2 months until their 1st birthday. And speaking of birthday....their party is going to be December 19th from 11 to 2 at our house...more details later with an unveiling of the theme {if I haven't told you already because I can't keep my mouth shut}. Hope to see you all there!