Thursday, August 27, 2009

8 Months Old!

OK, this post is a little late, but these girls are keeping me busy. When we returned from Birmingham, Daddy had lowered the crib mattresses {upon my request because I could see this coming}. Now, Bettye Katheryne can pull up and stand on the side of her crib. She does this every time I put the girls down for naps because {according to her} she's a big girl now and doesn't need naps. Well, Mommy still needs for you to take a nap darling.

Anyhow, upon the realization that BK is ready to pull up on everything, I decided to go out in search of a toy to encourage this behavior {what was I thinking?}. We ended up with the Leap Frog Baby activity table and the girls love it. Here's a few shots of my sweeties playing like big girls today and then lying on the floor getting ready for nap time.


  1. sweetness.
    ok - I hate to be such a copy cat...but where are these outfits from? Is this the Fall Carters???

  2. So cute...and so big! Can't believe how fast they are growing.
