Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Blast from the past

So, I just found my camera battery charger in hubby's car...who knew? Anyhow, I don't have any new photos of the girls, so I thought I'd look back and post a few from the past. These were taken either the day Aurora came home, or the day after. The girls were 5 weeks old.

Cousin Bodden {10 weeks old}, Bettye Katheryne and Aurora

Before you can take a child home from the NICU, they must pass a 'car seat test.' This means they must be able to sit in their car seat for 30 minutes {no touching allowed} and not have any apneas {forgetting to breath, causing oxygen sats to go down} or bradycardias {dips in heart rate}. I took photos of each of the girls during their tests. These were taken the day before each girl came home. Bettye Katherye was 20 days old and weighs 4lb 15oz and Aurora was 36 days old and weighs 3lb 14oz. They were so tiny!

Bettye Katheryne

Aurora Nicole {please don't make fun of the bald patch...she's sensitive about it}

And in their car seats now...

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