Monday, June 22, 2009

Are they Identical?

This is the question I get all the time. Yes, they are identical. However, at 6 months Aurora weighs 12lb 5oz and Bettye Katheryne weighs 16lb 4oz, so it's pretty easy to tell them apart. I'm just wondering though, can YOU tell who's who when I crop their photos? Here's a test. You'll need to respond by posting in the comment section....

1) Left Eye

2) Right Eye

3) Nose

4) Mouth

5) Who's who???

Post your answers by commenting. There's a prize for the winner! Whoever gets the most correct OR whoever gets them all correct first will win.
Answer examples:
1 - A,BK
2 - A, BK
3 - A, BK
and so on. These are not the correct answers, just an example!


  1. 1. BK, A
    2. BK, A
    3. A, BK
    4. BK, A
    5. A, BK

    Haha... This should be interesting to see how many (if any) I get right! I love you!


  2. BK, A
    BK, A
    A, BK
    BK, A
    A, BK
    How'd I do?


  3. So... When do we get these prizes? Haha jk I Love You Sissi!!

    Ashley (in case you didn't know!) Haha
