Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Chow Time

We're getting so close to having BK hold her own bottles, it warms my heart. I long for the day when Dr. Brown will leave my house for good, along with his 237 tiny parts that I clean and sanitize every day. I'm often asked, "what do you do if they're both hungry and crying at the same time?" Answer: I feed them both. Simple enough, huh? Well, usually I put each of them in a boppy and sit on the floor between them. However, Aurora has been very picky lately about being held when she eats, so it looks a little something like this. {Please excuse my rough look. I'm certain I hadn't brushed my hair in a few hours.}

Double Feeding {yes, I am also the photographer on this one}

BK holding her own bottle!

Oh Dr. Brown, we're on the 6 month count down.

You were a wonderful friend when the girls had colic,

but now you're just a pain.


  1. and you have a sense of humor still! yay to that. -(I'm a friend of Krystyn's)

  2. You have to have a sense of humor...otherwise, you spend the whole day crying!
