Friday, July 17, 2009

7 Months Old!

I can hardly believe that my little girls are 7 months old today. This may seem like a strange milestone to some of you {why not 6 months or 1 year?} but 7 months is a check point I've been waiting to reach. See, when the girls had just come home and were a little shy of 2 months old, I had to run out to the store for something {for them I'm sure}. While I was out, I ran into a twin mom with 7 month old girls. I remember looking at her girls and thinking to myself, "my girls are so tiny, will they EVER get that big? And will I ever be able to bring them out in public?" I just knew there was no way I was going to make it through the current survival mode complete with sleep deprivation and deliriousness to a place where I could actually take my children out in public with me.

Well, I was wrong. Not only did my girls grow, they go out nearly every day. Here's a quick reminder of how far they've come.

ETA: Current weights...Aurora is 13lb 3oz and Bettye Katheryne is 17lb 5oz!

Aurora at birth

BK at birth

Our first family photo {man, did we look rough or what?}

Their first photo shoot together after coming home...thanks Rae!

The girls this month....BK already learning to point to Aurora when asked "Who did it?"

1 comment:

  1. In the bottom picture they look more identical than I've ever seen them!
